
The Yoga Room - 3 Days Workshop Theme: Find your focus

2nd Jun, 2012

商店名稱:The Yoga Room

課程名稱:3 Days Workshop Theme: Find your focus


費用:HK$850 (Early Bird before 26 July HK$750)

堂數: 3堂

日期及時間: 6 Aug(Mon), 8 Aug(Wed) & 10 Aug(Fri), 2:30PM - 4:00PM



We are offfering our 2012 Summer Childrens 3 days Workshop based on the ‘YogaKids’ Program. Yoga Kids is an international yoga program which is now in over 23 countries and has been featured in CNN and Time Magazine. The Yoga Kids program is not only about doing a pose but to educate the whole child with a comprehensive approach that addresses the brain, mind and spirit in a fun manner.
3 Days Workshop Theme: Find your focus
Students will move and breathe to calm their minds, stimulate their brains and focus their thoughts. Through this they will learn the basics of yoga in a fun and nurturing environment.
Kids (7-12 years old) ; Max: 10 kids per class
Please call our office at 2544 8398 or email at info@yogaroomhk.com to book your space.
