Action Sports Academy

Action Sports Academy -
Action Sports Academy -
Action Sports Academy -
Action Sports Academy -
Action Sports Academy -
Action Sports Academy -


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Action Sports Academy
地區: 灣仔
地址: 灣仔皇后大道東202號QRE Plaza 20樓
營業時間: 9:00AM-10:00PM(星期一至五);9:00AM-6:00PM(星期六及日)
商店推介: Benefits of Disciplined Physical Training for Teenagers
消費: 金
付款方式: Cash
電話: 2572 8368

推介 OK 無意見
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Action Sports Academy provides expert personal fitness training and advice to help clients in achieving their healthy lifestyle goals. Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, build muscle, compete in a sporting event or just learn how to live a healthier, positive lifestyle, ASA offers tailored personal fitness training solutions for each individual.

ASA also caters for the corporate client, providing weight loss challenges and fitness solutions that encourage employees to lose weight and improve their fitness, increase morale, reduce absenteeism and improve camaraderie.

ASA is owned and managed by Ben Shiu was the member in Airport Special Unit Royal Hong Kong Police Force(1988 to 1993). I witnessed how regular training results in lasting changes, not only in body, but also in mind and spirit. Our mission is to help you to achieve your goals in body-fat reduction, muscle gain and improved fitness level.

商店產品 / 服務

好去處: Häagen-Dazs (赤柱店)
地區: 赤柱
消費: $1-$100
簡介: Häagen-Dazs 是一家知名的 雪糕 甜品 品牌,在 ...
好去處: Patisserie Mon cher
地區: 尖沙咀
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 香港首間 Patisserie Mon cher flagship store 位於尖沙 ...
好去處: 樂腳点沐足中心
地區: 深水埗
消費: $1-$100
簡介: -
好去處: 豐澤 Fortress (柏麗購物大道店)
地區: 尖沙咀
消費: $301-$600
簡介: -
好去處: 再興燒臘飯店
地區: 灣仔
消費: $1-$100
簡介: -
好去處: 雲迪足療
地區: 美孚
消費: $101-$300
簡介: 舒適的環境,正宗的按摩服務,盡在雲迪足療 ...
好去處: Cafe Landmark
地區: 中環
消費: $101-$300
簡介: Cafe Landmark位於香港中環德輔道中12-16號置地廣 ...
好去處: Das Gute (銅鑼灣店)
地區: 銅鑼灣
消費: $1-$100
簡介: Das Gute 以" Das Gute" 及"Café Gute" 這兩個品牌經 ...
好去處: (已結業) Awfully Chocolate (中環店)
地區: 中環
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 餐廳專門售賣朱古力蛋糕,包括6吋或8吋,不 ...
好去處: 諾亞半熟蛋糕專門店 Noah Castella (大坑店)
地區: 銅鑼灣
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 諾亞半熟蛋糕專門店 其 半熟蛋糕 不止味道吸 ...
好去處: 龍躍頭老圍門樓
地區: 粉嶺
消費: 免費
簡介: 龍躍頭老圍 雖曾經歷多次改建,但其原本的 ...
好去處: 夢屋 Mon Café
地區: 銅鑼灣
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 夢屋 Mon Café​ 位於銅鑼灣及灣仔交界,雖位 ...


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