Complete Deelite

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Complete Deelite -
Complete Deelite -
Complete Deelite -


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Complete Deelite
地區: 中環
地址: 中環安蘭街11-15號中安大廈2樓
營業時間: 10:00AM-7:30PM(星期一至五) ; 10:00AM-6:00PM(星期六) ; 星期日休息
商店推介: We love cakes, cupcakes,cake pops, cookies and everything pink, sweet and edible.
消費: 鑽石
付款方式: Cash
電話: 3167 7022
Fax: 3167 7021

推介 OK 無意見
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From a very young age, Jacinta has always been fascinated by arts, fashion, cakes and baking. She was also  inspired by her mom’s love of bringing people together and would always look forward to helping out with her birthday cake. Lil did she know, she would one day be creating  many cakes and sweet creations for all sorts of celebrations.

After graduating from Fashion Institute of Technology, Jacinta started her career in the fashion industry. During her time in New York she was inspired by all the bakeshops and loved to visit them. Though she loved fashion, she dreamed of one day being apart of something related to cakes and celebrations.
Years later, a trip to Hong Kong changed her life and she decided to make a career change and started pursuing her dream of cake decorating in Hong Kong. In 2004 she opened her celebration store Complete Deelite.

Jacinta studied cake decorating at the Wilton School of cake decorating. It was there that she was inspired to also teach others the art of cake decorating. With much passion and excitement Jacinta developed her special gift of hand sculpted cakes, figurines and many other creations for all sorts of celebrations. Her cupcakes have also received many rave reviews and started to take a life of its own by word of mouth.

From very humble beginnings of baking out of a home-style oven, Complete Deelite has captured the hearts of many across the world.  The heart of Complete Deelite is to promote the art of celebration through their cakes, cupcakes, classes and party shop. 

Complete Deelite’s creations and classes have been featured on TVB Pearl, SCMP, Next Magazine, Apple Daily, Hapaars Bazaar and several other publications and TV shows.  

Read More about our cakes on our BLOG

商店產品 / 服務

好去處: 太平洋咖啡 Pacific Coffee Emporium (銅鑼灣萬國通寶中心店)
地區: 銅鑼灣
消費: $1-$100
簡介: Pacific Coffee 在香港有多間分店, 是連鎖式經營 ...
好去處: 吉野家 Yoshinoya (觀塘apm店)
地區: 觀塘
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 位於觀塘觀塘道418號創紀之城五期(apm)5樓2號 ...
好去處: The Beauty 雪纖瘦 科研美容纖體集團
地區: 中環
簡介: -
好去處: 甜餅屋教室-屯門蛋糕材料專門店
地區: 屯門
消費: $101-$300
簡介: 甜餅屋教室 專營 蛋糕 烘焙 材料、工具、包 ...
好去處: Beauty Square 美養坊
地區: 灣仔
消費: $301-$600
簡介: Beauty Square 美養坊 提供不同的 美容療程 ,為 ...
好去處: 深仔記 (油麻地店)
地區: 油麻地
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 深仔記在香港有數間分店
好去處: 小皇國甜品
地區: 旺角
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 小皇國甜品 設有各式各樣 中式甜品 、西式及 ...
好去處: Joey's
地區: 西灣河
消費: $1-$100
簡介: Joey's 位於西灣河西灣河街100-104號地下A1號舖 ...
好去處: Wired Cafe (銅鑼灣店)
地區: 銅鑼灣
消費: $101-$300
簡介: Wired Cafe 是間於尖沙咀及銅鑼灣都有分店的 餐 ...
好去處: 正斗粥麵專家 (圓方店)
地區: 佐敦
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 正斗粥麵於香港有多間分店
好去處: UA Cinemas (太古城中心)
地區: 太古
消費: $1-$100
簡介: UA Cinemas於香港及澳門有多間影院, 播放不同的 ...
好去處: euro go go (元朗店)
地區: 元朗
消費: $1-$100
簡介: euro go go 誠意製作多款歐陸美食, 有多款彈牙 ...


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