Pole Paradise Studio

Pole Paradise Studio -
Pole Paradise Studio -
Pole Paradise Studio -
Pole Paradise Studio -
Pole Paradise Studio -


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Pole Paradise Studio
地區: 上環
地址: 上環永樂街50號昌盛大廈 10 樓
營業時間: 12:00PM-10:00PM(星期一至四);12:00PM-8:00PM(星期五);12:00PM-5:00PM(星期六)
消費: 金
付款方式: Cash
電話: 2543 0198
Fax: 2545 6330

推介 OK 無意見
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Pole dancing has become an international phenomenon in the past few years with shows and exhibitions all around the world, making it popular more than ever. It is time for Hong Kong to be at the forefront of the scene and to have a studio that is up to the challenge. Lead by Symone Anastasia Salamon, our brand new studio offers pole dancing lessons and regular classes in aerial hoop and silks right in the center of town, everyday, every desire, any levels.

With its central location, high ceiling and skilled instructors, our goal is to provide the best facility to meet your physical and artistic ambitions, to discover a new discipline and to have a great time with your friends.

Pole Paradise Studio is intended to be a place for people to come and indulge in their curiosity for something different. Whether it is dancing on bars, looping through suspended hoops or spinning amongst yards of silk fabric, there is something for every single one of us!

好去處: A la Folie Patisserie
地區: 旺角
消費: $1-$100
簡介: A la Folie Pâtisserie 是一間品嚐 法式蛋糕 及咖 ...
好去處: 林記葵發燒臘鹵味
地區: 葵芳
消費: $1-$100
簡介: -
好去處: 洪水坑水塘
地區: 元朗
消費: 免費
簡介: 洪水坑水塘 屬灌溉 水塘,即非食水用塘,主 ...
好去處: Boqueria
地區: 中環
消費: $301-$600
簡介: Boqueria 以西班牙菜為主, 位於中環雲咸街33號LK ...
好去處: 小曼谷海鮮燒烤屋 Mini Bangkook Seafood and Grill (衙前塱道店)
地區: 九龍城
消費: $101-$300
簡介: 小曼谷海鮮燒烤屋 在九龍城已開業多年,提 ...
好去處: 必勝客 Pizza Hut (油塘大本型店)
地區: 油塘
消費: $1-$100
簡介: -
好去處: 詩餅坊 Cake's Secrets
地區: 西環
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 詩餅坊 位於西環堅尼地城厚和街43號地下
好去處: VEGAS 360 (中環店)
地區: 中環
簡介: VEGAS 360 已開業二十餘年,在港有多間分店
好去處: 育嬰室 (元朗廣場 Yuen Long Plaza)
地區: 元朗
消費: 免費
簡介: -
好去處: 路易莎美容護膚中心
地區: 屯門
消費: $101-$300
簡介: -
好去處: 漢城美食 Hansung Co. (佐敦店)
地區: 佐敦
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 漢城美食 Hansung Co. 在香港有數間分店
好去處: 鴻福堂 (港鐵深水埗店)
地區: 深水埗
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 鴻福堂 提供無添加健康飲品、龜苓膏、涼茶 ...


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