PLAY ski + snowboard

PLAY ski + snowboard -
PLAY ski + snowboard -
PLAY ski + snowboard -


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PLAY ski + snowboard
地區: 觀塘
地址: 觀塘鴻圖道79 號嘉士亞洲工業大廈1樓
營業時間: 12:00PM-10:00PM(星期一至五);10:00AM-10:00PM(星期六),10:00AM-7:00PM(星期日)
商店推介: PLAY Ski+Snowboard houses two ski-slope simulators that will give you the close-as-you-can-get thrill of skiing or snowboarding before your next mountain-bound holiday, right in the heart of Hong Kong
消費: 銀
付款方式: Cash/EPS/Visa/Master/銀聯/Cheque
電話: 2797 9323
Fax: 2797 9786

推介 OK 無意見
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PLAY Ski+Snowboard houses two ski-slope simulators that will give you the close-as-you-can-get thrill of skiing or snowboarding before your next mountain-bound holiday, right in the heart of Hong Kong.

PLAY Ski+Snowboard's stationary "kiddy" slope will have your 4yr and up child get their first experience of skiing, saving you all time wasted on the stress and energy of over-coming those first jitters for the be⋯⋯ginner bunny skiers/boarders at the start of your first family ski trip.

What's more: Our pro-shop will exclusively house the Hottest ski/snowboard fashion brands that we have brought from Europe, and all the basic equipment you'll need. Skis, Snowboards, Boots, Gloves, Goggles, Helmets, Protective gear, Socks, you name it...

You'll also be impressed by our expert Boot-fitting service which will help relieve those few days of typical aching and numbed toes before you break into your boots!

PLAY Ski+Snowboard's  team of coaches are ready to train the beginner to the expert - so you will be confident and ready to hit the slopes once you touch down in Hokkaido, Whistler, Zermatt, Utah or Heilongjiang - wherever that may be, whatever condition it may be.

The 10,000sqft space can accommodate up to 100 guests (comfortably!) and includes a cafe, fully equipped stage lighting and music band gear.

PLAY Ski+Snowboard is the most exciting event space to hit Hong Kong this fall!

好去處: 怡保
地區: 其他
簡介: 怡保位於馬來西亞的城市,1988年成為繼喬治市 ...
好去處: Pepper Lunch (希慎廣場店)
地區: 銅鑼灣
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 風靡日本的 D-I-Y 人氣餐廳 Pepper Lunch 已經陸續 ...
好去處: 居食屋「和民」 Watami Japanese Casual Restaurant (紅磡店)
地區: 紅磡
消費: $101-$300
簡介: 居食屋「 和民 」在香港有多家分店,是間提 ...
好去處: 花見月 Yayoi Japanese Dining Room
地區: 大埔, 沙田
消費: $101-$300
簡介: 花見月位於香港科學園尚湖樓地下S036號舖
好去處: Green Ladies (現崇山商場店)
地區: 黃大仙
消費: $101-$300
簡介: Green Ladies Shop – 香港首間以寄賣模式營運的 ...
好去處: 太平洋咖啡 (店)
消費: $1-$100
簡介: Pacific Coffee 在香港有多間分店, 是連鎖式經營 ...
好去處: 葉定仕故居
地區: 粉嶺
消費: 免費
簡介: 葉定仕故居 為一座三開間建築,樓高兩層, ...
好去處: 鬆弛熊館 Rilakkuma Shop (旺角CHIC之堡店)
地區: 旺角
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 鬆弛熊館 Rilakkuma Online Shop - 鬆弛熊各類產品
好去處: 大坑蓮花宮
地區: 銅鑼灣
消費: 免費
簡介: 大坑 蓮花宮 是區內一所有名的 寺廟 廟宇 。 ...
好去處: Gweilo Bar & Grill
地區: 半山
消費: $600或以上
簡介: 中環跨文化西餐廳及酒吧
好去處: 新村天后古廟
地區: 大澳
消費: 免費
簡介: 於 大澳 新村的 天后古廟 建於1722年(乾隆33 ...
好去處: Luddite
地區: 銅鑼灣
消費: $301-$600
簡介: Luddite 是間售賣各類 復古 時裝 服飾 的專門店 ...


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