The 8th Estate Winery

The 8th Estate Winery  -
The 8th Estate Winery  -
The 8th Estate Winery  -
The 8th Estate Winery  -


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The 8th Estate Winery
地區: 鴨脷洲
地址: 鴨脷洲利興街10 號港灣工貿中心3樓302 室
營業時間: 10:00AM-06:00PM(星期一至五)
商店推介: Source the best ingredients and make the best wine
消費: 金
付款方式: Cash
電話: 2518 0922
備註: 星期六、日及公眾假期敬請預約

推介 OK 無意見
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Our concept is simple. Source the best ingredients and make the best wine. We have done this by creating something no one else has in Asia : a fully functional urban winery. The concept is inspired by the known principal that wine does not travel well. By importing international wine making talent along with exceptional grapes, our formula will produce spectacular wine.

If one were to taste wine at its absolute best, one must go to the producing winery. Wine bruises in travel. By bringing people to the wine rather than wine to the people, we are offering the opportunity to taste wine at its optimum. Because Hong Kong demands and deserves the best.

商店產品 / 服務

好去處: Rhine River Restaurant & Bar
地區: 荃灣
消費: $101-$300
簡介: Rhine River Restaurant 位於荃灣大壩街71號德仁樓 ...
好去處: OK 便利店 (紅磡家維邨店)
地區: 紅磡
消費: $1-$100
簡介: -
好去處: Allegretto
地區: 尖沙咀
消費: $1-$100
簡介: Allegretto 的 3D拉花咖啡 深受不同客人喜愛,來 ...
好去處: 英王麵包店 A1-Bakery (美孚站店)
地區: 美孚
消費: $1-$100
簡介: A-1 Bakery 提供多款熱賣產品的西式麵包及西餅 ...
好去處: 民園麵家 Man Yuen Noodles
地區: 中環
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 民園麵家 位於中環荷李活道68至70號A,是間有 ...
好去處: 太子餐廳 Prince Restaurant (大角咀店)
地區: 大角咀
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 太子餐廳 提供不同的家常便飯的小菜以及西 ...
好去處: 大紅袍火鍋料理 (北角店)
地區: 北角
消費: $101-$300
簡介: 大紅袍火鍋料理,提供多款特色湯底,招牌湯 ...
好去處: 樂足足底保健中心 (跑馬地奕蔭街店)
地區: 跑馬地
消費: $301-$600
簡介: 樂足提供最專業的師傅,最優質的環境,讓顧 ...
好去處: Good Take OK Dessert and Kitchen
地區: 何文田
消費: $1-$100
簡介: Good Take OK Dessert and Kitchen 是一間 川菜 與 甜品 ...
好去處: Tinello
地區: 灣仔
消費: $101-$300
簡介: Tinello 以意大利菜為主, 位於灣仔港灣道28號灣 ...
好去處: 橫浜屋 Yokohamaya
地區: 上環
消費: $301-$600
簡介: 橫浜屋 提供不同的日式拉面美食
好去處: 怡東軒 Yee Tung Heen
地區: 銅鑼灣
消費: $301-$600
簡介: 怡東軒位於銅鑼灣怡東酒店2樓


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